Those wishing to get married in St Paul’s should contact the Rector in order to agree a date (please give plenty of notice). At least one of the parties to the wedding needs to have been baptised and be a member of the Church of Ireland or a church in communion with it. If either or both parties are divorced and their previous partners are still living; the Bishop’s opinion must also be sought before the marriage is solemnised. Couples MUST then visit the Civil Registrar by appointment, giving at least three months notice of their intention to marry. Giving more notice is recommended. The couple can visit any civil registrar office in the country, but must visit together and in person. The couple will be required to bring certain documentation. (Ask the Rector or see the website www.groireland.ie/getting_married)
When the registrar is satisfied that all required details have been provided and that the couple are free to marry, a Marriage Registration Form (MRF) will be issued to the couple, this is essentially a civil authorisation for the marriage to proceed. This document should be presented to the Rector as soon as possible, and certainly no less that 5 days prior to the wedding. Clergy need to check it for mistakes.
At the service the new act requires that each of the parties makes a positive declaration that they know of no impediment of kindred or affinity or other lawful hindrance to the marriage; this may be incorporated into the service or it may be made prior to the service. At the end of the service the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) will be signed by the solemniser, the couple and the witnesses, and given to the couple. The completed Marriage Registration Form should be posted back to the registry office. The couple are responsible for doing this.