Classical Music Concert

St Paul's Church Glenageary

Ukrainian and international musicians present an evening of classical music. Free admission but donations at the door for Acquired Brain Injury Ireland would be welcome.

Pipeworks organ recital

St Paul's Church Glenageary

A lunchtime organ recital by David O'Shea

Daffodil Day Coffee Morning

Parish Centre

A fund-raising coffee morning in aid of the Irish Cancer Society 

Palm Sunday

St Paul's Church Glenageary

The beginning of Holy Week

Informal Worship

Parish Centre

A gathering for all-age informal worship and refreshments afterwards

Parish AGM

Parish Centre

The Easter Annual Vestry (AGM)  is after the 10.30am service

Informal worship

Parish Centre

Monthly  informal worship in the parish centre followed by refreshments

Summer Fair

Annual  fund-raiser with stalls galore in parish centre and church grounds

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin