Parish AGM

Parish Centre

The Easter Annual Vestry (AGM)  is after the 10.30am service

Informal worship

Parish Centre

Monthly  informal worship in the parish centre followed by refreshments

Summer Fair

Annual  fund-raiser with stalls galore in parish centre and church grounds

Choir practices resume

Choir practices  resume after the summer break. New members would be very welcome to join our expanding choir. Contact our music director Caroline Barnes on 089 218 6826 if you would like to learn more  about what is involved.

Parish Outing

To Strokestown House and the Famine Museum, Co Roscommon and Kilbeggan Distillery, Co Westmeath

Harvest Thanksgiving

St Paul's Church Glenageary

Main harvest thanksgiving service at 10.30am; also at 7pm

Confirmation service

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 8

Candidates from St Paul's will be confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral

Open Indoor Bowls night

Parish Centre

Come and try your hand at Indoor Bowls in the parish centre  at this evening event designed to give beginners a taste of this fun and sociable activity. There are club nights every Wednesday and Friday.

Pets’ Service

Service of thanksgiving for the companionship of pets, with a retiring collection for Irish Guide Dogs.  Speakers Christina Kelly with guide dog Effie and Renaith Keane with assistance dog Kacki.

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin