Glenageary Killiney National School in Wyvern on Killiney Road is a co-educational school under Church of Ireland (Anglican) management that serves the parish of St Paul’s Church, Glenageary, as well as the parishes of Holy Trinity Church, Killiney and St Matthias’ Church, Killiney Parish Ballybrack. There are approximately 230 children enrolled in the school, with one teacher per class from junior infants to sixth class. There are approximately 28 children in each class. There are nine mainstream class teachers and three teachers who support children with additional needs. The school also has a very supportive Parents’ Association who organise a wide range of extra-curricular activities.

School admissions policy
The admission policy for GKNS is available to read here. The annual admission notice will also be found on the school website (see below). Generally there is a specified period in October/November during which enrolment application forms are made available and must be returned, after which places are allocated according to the admission policy for the following September.
For more information, see