
Your parish needs you

Volunteers are essential to keep both the spiritual and community life of the parish going. Every week people are playing their part, be it reading the lessons, helping with tea/coffee after Sunday service, assisting in Sunday Club, polishing the brass, ringing the bells, arranging the flowers etc. Or, on a more occasional basis, delivering parish post, helping out in work parties and working towards the annual Summer Fair.
That’s just a few ways to help out – there are plenty more. Whatever time and talents you have to offer, we would love to hear from you. Email stpaulsdub@gmail.com or telephone the Rector on 01 2801616.

Grooming the church grounds

Anybody in the community is welcome to use the church grounds as a quiet place to sit, or just as a walking short-cut, provided they leave no trace. The gates are now locked to cars during the week to keep vehicular access to the grounds to essential use only, making it safer for all. We are indebted to the core group of volunteers who keep the grounds looking so well but extra hands are always needed in the autumn when the leaves begin to fall. If gardening is something you could help with regularly or even occasionally, please email stpaulsdub@gmail.com