Harvest Thanksgiving

St Paul's Church Glenageary

Main harvest thanksgiving service at 10.30am; also at 7pm

Confirmation service

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 8

Candidates from St Paul's will be confirmed in Christ Church Cathedral

Pets’ Service

Service of thanksgiving for the companionship of pets, with a retiring collection for Irish Guide Dogs.  Speakers Christina Kelly with guide dog Effie and Renaith Keane with assistance dog Kacki.

Informal worship

Parish Centre

 Informal worship in the parish centre at 5.30pm followed by refreshments

Remembrance Sunday

Annual service to remember those killed in wars

Informal Worship

Parish Centre

Informal worship in the parish centre followed by refreshments 

Advent Carol Service

St Paul's Church Glenageary

Special service of Advent readings and carols

Parkinson’s charity concert

St Paul's Church Glenageary

Move4Parkinson's concert (see poster in news section for details)


An informal festive service during which everybody creates a Christingle representing the Christian story, followed by refreshments.

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin