There will be a 7.15 am service of Holy Communion this Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent, in addition to the usual 11am service. Services will be held at these times every Wednesday morning throughout Lent.
Over Lent we are again inviting you to collect any spare coins you may have and to donate them to Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda. St Paul’s Kisiizi Support Group hopes to be able to continue to fund the annual salary of a surgeon at the hospital, which is the equivalent of €11,000. Jars are provided and you can collect one from the back of the church. We ask you to return the jar after Easter. In this increasingly cashless age, we realise that there are no longer as many coins in circulation, however there was a very encouraging response to this coin appeal last year which we would hope to repeat.
The latest newsletter from Kisiizi is now available here