Monthly Archives: April 2024

New parish council for 2024/25

There was an encouraging attendance at the Annual Easter General Vestry (A.G.M.) held after the 10.30am service on Sunday 14th April. The following were nominated to serve on the select vestry for the coming year.
The Rector (Chairperson), Geoff Barry (Rector’s Churchwarden); Rita Dalton (People’s Churchwarden); Alan Winter (Rector’s Glebewarden) Frank Gunning (People’s Churchwarden) Margaret Woods; Hugh McNally; Joe Harvey; Sheila Wayman; Stuart Robertson; Philip Thompson; William Earley, Judith Pierce, Mark Finney, and Lynn Wiley.
Thanks go to Roxanna Allen and Paul Hatton, who both indicated prior to the meeting that they wished to stand down, for their time and commitment over their years of service on the select vestry. 
At a short meeting of the select vestry immediately afterwards, Margaret Woods was reappointed as Honorary Secretary and Hugh McNally reappointed as Honorary Treasurer.