Our annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for loved ones will take place in St Paul’s church on Sunday, November 6th at 7 p.m. You are invited to participate in a time of quiet reflection as we remember those of our families and friends who have died.
If you would like the name of a loved one to be read out at this service, please add their name to the list that you will find on the table at the back of the church or alternatively you can email the names to garydowd51@gmail.com.
The names of those who have died in the Parish since the service last year will automatically be read.
Monthly Archives: October 2022
All-age worship on Oct 16th
The second of our new, monthly all-age worship services will take place this coming Sunday, October 16th, in the Parish Centre, starting at 5.30pm. It will be followed by a sale of secondhand sports wear and equipment sale at 6pm, in aid of Kisiizi Hospital. Refereshments will also be served after the service. All are welcome.

Dogs have the last word
Dogs dominated the four-legged attendance at our annual pets service on October 2nd, as you can hear from this clip of the ending of the service here. We thank Bernard, accompanied by his guide dog, for talking about the work of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.