Monthly Archives: December 2022
The Linney Room a tribute to former rector and his wife
Our former Rector, Archdeacon Gordon Linney, was invited back yesterday for the unveilling of The Linney Room in the Parish Centre, in thanks for the long ministry in the parish by both him and his late wife, Helen. His successor, the Rev Gary Dowd, said it was a fitting tribute by the Select Vestry in our thriving, purpose-built centre used by all the community, which was very much his predecessor’s vision and he fought hard to bring it about. Sitting in the church grounds, the centre took the place of the old parish hall further down Adelaide Road and was completed soon after the archdeacon’s retirement.

Linney Room to be opened
The official opening of the Linney Room will take place in the parish centre this Sunday, December 11th after the 10.30am morning service. Our former rector, Archdeacon Gordon Linney, together with members of his family, will be present. The Select Vestry decided that naming the meeting room in their honour would be a fitting and lasting recognition of the ministry of Gordon (pictured below) and Helen Linney in St Paul’s. All are welcome to attend.