Five Church of Ireland parishes from this area will worship together on the evenings of this coming Holy Week at 8 pm (Mon-Thurs) and at 12 noon on Good Friday. There will be the opportunity by way of a retiring collection each evening to donate to the Dublin Diocesan Shine a Light appeal for Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City (see below for more details on this appeal).
There are also extra daily (Mon-Thurs) services of Holy Communion in St Paul’s at 7.15am and a 2pm service on Good Friday.
Mon 25th 7.15 am Holy Communion St Paul’s
8 pm St Matthias, Killiney/Ballybrack:
Preacher The Rev Gary Dowd
Tues 26th 7.15 am Holy Communion St Paul’s
8 pm Christ Church, Dun Laoghaire
Preacher The Rev Ruth Elmes
Wed 27th 7.15 am Holy Communion St Paul’s
11 am Holy Communion St Paul’s
8 pm St Paul’s Glenageary
Preacher Daniel Stanford
Thurs 28th 7.15 am Holy Communion St Paul’s
8 pm St Patrick’s Dalkey The Lord’s Supper
Good Friday 12 noon Holy Trinity Killiney The Stations of the Cross
2 pm One Hour at the Cross, St Paul’s
Monthly Archives: March 2024
Organ recital on Bach’s birthday
After the great success of last Saturday’s concert in the church by international musicians, we are now looking forward to another musical treat. On Thursday, March 21st, David O’Shea will give a Pipeworks lunchtime recital at 1.15pm (lasting about 45 minutes). His programme will consist entirely of organ works by J.S. Bach, who was born on that day in 1685. Admission is free but donations to St Paul’s fund for Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda would be much appreciated.

Interruption to livestreaming
Apologies to anybody who was hoping to join in last Sunday’s 10.30am worship through the livestream. A problem with the internet in the church prevented us livestreaming the service. We hope it will be back up in time for next Sunday.