We had a very successful Summer Fair last Saturday, May 25th, raising more than €40,000 for parish funds. Thank you to those who worked so hard and everybody who supported it in any way.

Here is a guide to the stalls for our Summer Fair on Saturday, May 25th and the kind of donations they are seeking. Items can be dropped into the parish centre in the grounds of St Paul’s between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on Tuesday, May 21st to Friday, May 24th.
Clothes: Women’s, men’s and children’s clothes worn less than twice and in good condition.
Teas: Tray bakes, scones, muffins etc needed to feed the hungry hordes.
Books: Every kind of adult and children’s books wanted.
Toys: All kinds of toys very welcome, except soft toys and broken toys.
Deli stall: All sorts of fare such as jams, chutneys, apple tarts, salads etc
Cake stall: Home-baked cakes, biscuits, muffins, pavlovas etc
Garden stall: labelled pots of herbs, veg and flowers.
Jewellery, Handbags and Scarves: All of the aforementioned items welcome. Single earrings or cufflinks that have lost their partner can also be handed in for selling on.
Recyle art: Paintings, sketches, photographs – anything framed you no longer need.
White elephant: unwanted household items, tools, sports and music equipment etc
New gifts: All unwanted gifts such as ornaments, vases, household and kitchen items.
Collectors corner: Old glass, chinaware or any curios you might have.
Bottle stall: All unopened bottles welcome, with long use-by dates.
Raffle: Six €10 books of raffle tickets are being distributed to each parishioner for selling if possible. If you could donate a raffle prize, please contact Fair chairman Mark Finney on Mark@soonerthanlater.com or text/ring 087 284 4777 (after 7pm).