The Rector writes …

We had hoped that we would be able to have our annual Outdoor Service and Barbecue on the first Sunday in September. This had become one of the highlights of our year – until we were forced to cancel it in 2020 – as it enabled the parish family to gather to worship outdoors and to socialise together whilst sharing food expertly prepared and served by Linda and Frank Gunning and their team.
 As we all know, there has been considerable controversy recently over the regulations governing outdoor hospitality, which belatedly resulted in some clarification on what was permitted.  While the current guidelines are not insurmountable, even in a parish context they remain quite restrictive and intermingling is specifically discouraged. The informality, with the freedom to mix, chat and “catch up” after the summer, is what makes our event so special.  Under current guidelines I do not believe any of this is possible. 
 While it would be wonderful to be able to meet again as a parish family I just think that it is too soon and that the risks associated with such a gathering still outweigh the benefits.  So it is with a heavy heart that I have decided that the Outdoor Service and Barbecue should not go ahead this year.
 Despite so many unknowns there is a sense that we are finally over the worst of this pandemic but the threat from the Delta variant remains very real, even though most of us have been fully vaccinated at this stage.  As soon as the regulations allow, and it is safe to do so, we will organise a parish gathering that will enable us to meet again free of any concerns for our health and well-being.
 Meanwhile, please do everything possible to stay safe.

Best wishes,


The Rev Gary Dowd
St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin