Special services for Advent and Christmas

December 14th
Christingle service, 7pm (see news item below)

December 21st 
All Age Nativity Service 10.30 am; Service of Nine Lessons with Carols by Candlelight 7 pm

December 24th
The First Eucharist of Christmas 11.30 pm

December 25th
8.15 am Holy Communion and 10.30 am  Family Service
11.45 am approx. HC said

December 28th
The First Sunday of Christmas 
8.15 am (HC1) and 10.30 am (Parish Communion) No service at 7 pm

December 31st
 11.45 pm  Ringing in the New Year  A very short service to mark the passing of one year and the start of another. followed by ringing of the chimes at midnight.


St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin