Category Archives: Uncategorized

Act of Remembrance

Our 10.30am service next Sunday, November 12th, will include an Act of Remembrance for all those killed in wars. All welcome.
There will be a sale of Christmas cards in aid of the RNLI in the parish centre immediately after the service.

Pets Service this Sunday

All animals and humans are welcome at our annual Pets Service next Sunday, October 1st, when we give thanks for the companionship of animals. The speaker will be Deirdre Deverall, who will be accompanied by her assistance dog Bruno, and there will be a retiring collection for Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Charity concert in church

A pianist from Ukraine, Yurii Levkovych, will give a recital in the church on  Saturday, July 15th, starting at 7pm. His  programme will include music by Bach, Schubert, Chopin and Liszt, as well as Ukrainian composer Skoryk and Rotaru from Moldova.  Thanks to the generosity of a St Paul’s parishioner, a grand piano has been hired for this recital. Admission is free but donations to the charity SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine would be much appreciated.