Building is closed but church is open

Our Rector, the Revd Gary Dowd, continues to conduct a weekly act of worship that is recorded for parishoners to share in their homes on Sunday mornings. An accompanying service sheet is emailled out, as are twice weekly letters from the Rector during this time of togetherness apart. See the latest recording here. If you would like to be included on the mailing list, please contact us at

Kisiizi Hospital on Covid-19 alert

There are confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Uganda, which is now in lockdown, as well as in several neighbouring countries such as Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania. Kisiizi Hospital, as of last week, had not yet had any Covid-19 cases, according to our latest update from Dr Ian Spillman, yet the impact of the virus has still been massive.
 Normally this is the busiest time of year for visitors to the hospital, with many elective medical students and groups whose input helps the Good Samaritan Fund, which supports the poorest patients.
 Obtaining supplies from Kampala can no longer be done with public transport, so they have to send a vehicle after obtaining special permits.  As part of their contingency planning, the hospital management team have started renovations to create a triage and isolation unit.  They have also invested in supplies and reviewed their stock of PPE and their tailors have been making more gowns, scrubs and headgear. They have also produced some face visors, using laminating pouches which seem to work quite well! You can read the latest newsletter here.
 Meanwhile, if you have money jars from the Kisiizi Lenten Appeal, which seems so long ago now, please  hold on to them until we can finally return to our church building.

Holy Communion services cancelled

After the latest advice that we should further reduce our social contacts to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the Rector has very reluctantly decided to cancel tomorrow’s Holy Communion service for St Patrick’s Day and also the two Communion services that were due to take place this Wednesday, March 18th. There will be a further update before the end of the week.

Coin appeal for Kisiizi Hospital

Over Lent we are again inviting people to collect spare coins and to donate them to Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda.  St Paul’s Kisiizi Support Group hopes to be able to continue to fund the annual salary of a surgeon at the hospital, which is the equivalent of €11,000. You can collect a jar from the back of the church and please return it after Easter.  In this increasingly cashless age, we realise that there are no longer as many coins in circulation, however there was a very encouraging response to this coin appeal last year which we would hope to repeat. The latest newsletter from Kisiizi is now available here
 Meanwhile, please note there will be a Soup and Roll Lunch in the Main Hall of the Parish Centre on Sunday, April 5th (Palm Sunday), after the 10.30 am service, in aid of Kisiizi Hospital.

Two mid-week services in Lent

There will be a 7.15 am service of Holy Communion this Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent, in addition to the usual 11am service. Services will be held at these times every Wednesday morning throughout Lent.
 Over Lent we are again inviting you to collect any spare coins you may have and to donate them to Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda.  St Paul’s Kisiizi Support Group hopes to be able to continue to fund the annual salary of a surgeon at the hospital, which is the equivalent of €11,000.  Jars are provided and you can collect one from the back of the church.  We ask you to return the jar after Easter.  In this increasingly cashless age, we realise that there are no longer as many coins in circulation, however there was a very encouraging response to this coin appeal last year which we would hope to repeat.
 The latest newsletter from Kisiizi is now available here

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin