Parish Film Night

The comedy drama Tootsie, starring Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange and Bill Murray, will be shown at the Film Night, this Thursday, November 21st at 8pm in the Parish Centre, introduced by film critic Philip Molloy. Hoffman dons a dress to play an actor who pretends he’s a woman to get a part in a hospital TV soap. Released in 1982,  it is directed by Sydney Pollack. Let us know if you can come by emailling

Parish school entry forms

Application forms for autumn admission to Junior Infants 2020/21 in Glenageary Killiney National School are available for collection in person from the school office until this Friday,  November 15th, between 8.30 am and 2.15 pm. The closing date for receipt of completed forms is Monday, November 18th, by 2.15 pm

Remembrance Sunday

This Sunday, November 10th, is Remembrance Sunday and there will be an Act of Remembrance during our 10.30am service of Parish Communion. All welcome. Poppies will be available at the church door. There will also be Sunday Club, in which all children aged four plus are invited to participate.

Remembering loved ones

Our annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for loved ones is on this Sunday,  November 3rd, at 7pm.
 You are invited to participate in a time of quiet reflection, with appropriate readings and music, as we remember those of our families and friends who have died. If you would like the name of a loved one to be read out at this service, please add their name to the list which you will find at the back of the church, or email The names of those who have died in the Parish since the service last year will automatically be read.
 All are welcome to this service and please invite anybody you know for whom it might be a comfort.

Harvest Thanksgiving for all

The annual Service of Harvest Thanksgiving will be held this Sunday, October 13th, at 10.30 am and there will also be Sunday Club. After the service, the Badminton Club will provide the coffee/tea in aid of the Blackrock Hospice.  Your support for this very worthy cause would be much appreciated.
 The church will be decorated for the Harvest Thanksgiving this Saturday, from 9.30 am. All are welcome to give a hand and donations of fruit, veg or flowers would be gratefully received.

Pets’ service this Sunday

All are invited to bring a pet to church for our annual service of blessing and thanksgiving for the companionship of animals this Sunday, October 6th, at 10.30am. There will be a retiring collection for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind. The service will also mark the end of the Season of Creation, which officially closes on October 4th, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

Parish Film Night

The US spy thriller Clear and Present Danger, based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name and starring Harrison Ford (above), will be shown at the first Film Night of the new season this Thursday, September 26th at 8pm, in the Parish Centre, introduced by Philip Molloy. Admission is free but let us know if you’re coming by emailing

Open night at indoor bowls

Anybody who would like to give indoor bowling a try is invited to come along to an open night hosted by St Paul’s Indoor Bowling Club on Wednesday, September 18th, 7.30pm-9.30pm. Indoor bowling is for people of all ages and is fun, sociable and can be as competitive as you want it to be!
 The club, which is keen to recruit new members, meets on Wednesday and Friday nights in the Parish Centre. Social play is very important for members and the club also enters (about four) teams in various cup and league competitions run by the D&DUCIBA ,which involves parishes around Dublin.  Please come along to the open night and give bowling  a try over a cup of tea.If you have any queries, contact David Pain on 087 2197512.

Sunday Club resumes this Sunday

Parents of young children please note that Sunday Club will begin again this Sunday, September 8th. Sunday Club meets on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Participants should be aged 4+. Children are encouraged to come for the start of church at 10.30am before leaving for Sunday club during the singing of the second hymn (after approx.15 minutes).

Open-air service at 12 noon this Sunday

Our annual open-air service and family will take place in the grounds of the church this Sunday, September 1st, starting at 12 noon. This Sunday  marks the start of the annual Season of Creation which runs until October 4th (The Feast of St Francis). This year, the theme for the season is biodiversity, God’s web of life in which we celebrate the bonds we share with each other and with “every living creature on Earth” (Genesis 9:10). The Christian family is invited to mark the Season by spending time in prayer and considering ways to inhabit our common home more sustainably. 
 One small gesture you might consider would be to leave your car at home this Sunday and walk or cycle to the outdoor service instead. This event will go ahead regardless of the weather but  Plan B is to retreat to the Parish Centre!

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin