Parish AGM this Sunday

The St Paul’s parish Easter General Vestry (Annual General Meeting) will be held in the Parish Centre after the main morning service this Sunday, April 7th, at 11.45 am approx. Anybody who is a signed-up member of the General Vestry can let their name go forward for a place on the Select Vestry (parish council) and/or vote on the election of others.

Parish Film Night this Thursday

There will be a showing of “The Professionals” this Thursday, March 28th, at 8pm in the Parish Centre, introduced by Philip Molloy. An arrogant Texas millionaire hires four adventurers to rescue his kidnapped wife from a notorious Mexican bandit. Directed by Richard Brooks, it stars Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Jack Palance and Claudia Cardinale. All welcome. Please email to let us know if you’re coming.

Fund-raising appeal for surgeon

Our Lenten appeal for the Kisiizi Hospital Surgeon Fund 2019 has got off to a good start with €310 raised in contributions at the Kisiizi Sunday service and many parishoners taking away jars to fill with coins. Any jar will do but there are still some at the back of the church so please collect one if you have not already done so. 
 Donations can be made anytime during Lent by putting them into the box at the back of the church or by placing it on the collection plate in an envelope marked Kisiizi.
The long-term goal is to raise €11,000 per year to fund a surgeon’s salary on an annual basis so you might consider making a yearly contribution or setting up a standing order. The bank account details are as follows:
Account name: St Pauls Church Ruanda Mission
Bank: AIB Dun Laoghaire
Account number: 77054148 Sort code: 93-34-06
IBAN: IE73 AIBK 9334 0677 0541 48
As with all charitable donations, if you can contribute in excess of €250 within one year, then this allows St Paul’s to claim a tax rebate of 45% on the amount, further boosting the overall fund. But any amount will be very welcome.
We are planning a Kisiizi fund raising Soup and Roll lunch after church on Sunday, April 28th. If you want to bring along your jam jar to this lunch we can start counting all the coins and contributions. Thank you.

The Kisiizi Support Group

‘Kisiizi Sunday’ to launch Lent appeal

Lent Coin Collection Appeal to fund a surgeon at Kisiizi Hospital in south-west Uganda will be launched at the 10.30am service this Sunday, March 3rd,designated ‘Kisiizi Sunday’. The speaker will be Stu Garrett (photographed above), a physiotherapist, who, along with other Irish healthcare professionals, founded the not-for-profit organisation CHEEERS Developing Healthcare Together, which is a multidisciplinary, professional volunteer-sending organisation.
 St Paul’s has had a very strong link with Kisiizi Hospital (above) for almost 60 years. In that time the parish has provided funding and expertise to help construct a two-storey children’s ward and maternity ward (completed in 2008) and operating theatres (officially opened in May 2011).  Since the completion of the theatres we have been covering the annual salary of Dr Robert Mugarura, a surgeon at the hospital.  Thankfully a surgeon’s salary in Uganda is a lot lower than one closer to home!  We currently have €9,000 in funds but require a further €3,000 to continue with this important project for this year.  
 Over the next six weeks you are invited to throw any spare coins you may have into a jar that we will provide and these will be collected and counted after Easter. This is fun way in which parishioners of all ages can help maintain the vital services offered at Kisiizi Hospital.
 Stu first travelled to Uganda when he was 16 years old as part of a Transition Year programme at St. Andrew’s College, Blackrock. Whilst studying to become a physiotherapist at University College Dublin (UCD), he also got involved with UCD Volunteer Overseas. Stuart has led several groups of UCD students to Uganda where they have undertaken their elective placement at Kisiizi Hospital.

New offering cards for ‘invisible’ donations

 For people who give to St Paul’s through standing order but feel uncomfortable at collection time because they have nothing to put on the plate, there are now cards on the table at the back of the church that can be taken to use as a symbolic offering during a service.
 Meanwhile, if there is anyone who uses the envelope system and wishes to change over to standing order, please contact David Pain 087 219 7512, who will supply you with the relevant details.

Nine teenagers to be confirmed

Service of Confirmation, to be conducted by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev Michael Jackson, will take place in St Paul’s on Saturday, February 9th at 7 pm. The nine candidates for confirmation are Josh Baker, Rebecca Bowers, Holly Hewson, Emily McDonnell, Julia McEvoy, Ellen Mitchell, Robyn Murray, Sophie Poole and Daniel Russell. All welcome.

Sunday Club is back

All children aged four and upwards are invited to come along to Sunday Club, which begins again this Sunday, January 27th, and will meet on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.
 Children are encouraged to come to the church for the start of the service at 10.30am before leaving for Sunday Club in the Parish Centre during the singing of the second hymn (after approx.15 minutes). We are grateful to Charlotte Blennerhasset and her team of volunteers for enabling Sunday Club to get up and running again for our younger parishoners.


St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin