Parish school admission

Application forms for admission to Glenageary Killiney N.S.  in autumn 2019 will be available for collection from the School Office on Monday, January 14th, 2019 to Friday, January 25th, 2019 between 8.30am and 2.15pm.  Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 2.15 pm, Monday, January 28th, 2019.

Carols by candlelight this Sunday at 7pm

The traditional Nine Lessons with Carols by Candlelight  will be held at 7pm this Sunday, December 23rd, followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the Parish Centre afterwards. In the morning, an all-age Christingle service will be held in the more informal setting of the Parish Centre at 10.30am.
  The church will be decorated for Christmas this Saturday, December 22nd, from 9.30am. All are welcome to come and help and donations of foliage etc. would be gratefully accepted. If you wish to donate a poinsettia in memory of  loved ones, please put €5 per person in an envelope clearly marked with the names of loved ones, and give to the Churchwardens, the Rector or Harriet Greenlee 087 224 7195 by December 21st.  A list of names will be included in the service sheet on Christmas Day.

Folk group to reunite this Sunday

The St Paul‘s Folk Group is reuniting to lead the music at our worship this Sunday, December 9th, at 10.30am, as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations. The service will be Parish Communion.

The rest of the St Paul‘s programme for Advent and Christmas includes:
23rd Christingle Service 10.30am in the main hall of the Parish Centre
23rd Nine Lesson and Carols by Candlelight 7pm
24th The First Eucharist of Christmas 11.30pm
25th Christmas Day 8.15am Holy Communion and 10.30am Family Service

Advent Lessons and Carols on December 2nd

The now traditional joint service of Advent Lessons and Carols with our neighbours in St Patrick’s, Dalkey, takes place on Sunday, December 2nd, at 7pm, in St Patrick’s. The joint choirs will lead the music. There will be no evening service in St Paul’s that night.

 The rest of the St Paul’s programme for Advent and Christmas is as follows:
9th St Paul’s Folk Group re-union, to mark 150th anniversary; the group will provide the music at 10.30am service
23rd Christingle Service 10.30am in the main hall of the Parish Centre
23rd Nine Lesson and Carols by Candlelight 7pm
24th The First Eucharist of Christmas 11.30pm
25th Christmas Day 8.15am Holy Communion and 10.30am Family Service

Reserve your tickets for the ‘Messiah’

Tickets for the performance of Handel’s Messiah in St Paul’s this Saturday, November 17th at 7.30pm can be reserved through or bought at the door on the night from 7pm. It is part of our 150th anniversary celebrations and to raise funds for Focus Ireland. The Occasional Singers, under conductor Robin Moore, will be joined by soloists Judith Lyons (soprano), Sarah Luttrell (contralto), Luke Horner (tenor), David Corr (bass), with Will Palmer on trumpet and Charles Pearson on organ. Tickets €15 (concessions €10). Please spread the word about this concert to neigbours and friends.

Remembrance service to mark Armistice

Our Remembrance service at 10.30am this Sunday, November 11th, will also mark exactly 100 years since the First World War ended at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918. There will  be an Act of Remembrance for all those who died, calling to mind particularly the 17 young  men from St Paul‘s who left Glenageary for the battle fields during 1914-18 and never came home. They were: A. Acton, R.H.M.  Bury, F. Carter, H. Dudley, J. Douglas, E.G. Coldwell, E. Harpur, J.D. Niven, W. O’Conor,  L. Orr, W. Phelan, T.E. Talbot, F.W. Rickets, E. Robinson, C.G. Sherlock, A.E.  Stokes and A.E.  Strong.

Remembering loved ones who have died

You are invited to participate in a time of quiet reflection as we remember those of our families and friends who have died at our Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance of loved ones this Sunday, November 4th, at 7 pm.  If you want the name of a loved one to be read out at this service but have not yet added their name to the list at the back of the church, you can also email
 Please noteThe names of those who have died in the Parish since the service last year will automatically be read.

‘Messiah’ in St Paul’s on November 17th

Handel’s Messiah will be performed in St Paul’s on Saturday, November 17th at 7.30pm as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations and to raise funds for Focus Ireland. The Occasional Singers, under conductor Robin Moore, will be joined by soloists Judith Lyons (soprano), Sarah Luttrell (contralto), Luke Horner (tenor), David Corr (bass), with Will Palmer on trumpet and Charles Pearson on organ. Tickets €15 (concessions €10) available at St Paul’s on Sundays or at the door from 7pm on the night. For information, contact

Service to remember loved ones

The annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance of loved ones will be  held in St Paul’s on Sunday, November 4th at 7 pm. You are invited to participate in a time of quiet reflection as we remember those of our families and friends who have died.
 If you would like the name of a loved one to be read out at this service, please add their name to the list, which you will find on the table at the back of the church or email
   Please noteThe names of those who have died in the parish since the service last year will automatically be read.

St Paul's Church | Glenageary | Co. Dublin