On every Wednesday during Lent, there are services of Holy Communion at both 7.15am and 11am.
The next monthly 5.30pm informal all-age service takes place in the Parish Centre on Sunday, February 18th. All are welcome and refreshments are served afterwards.
There will be services as usual at 8.15am and 10.30am on Sunday, December 31st but no 7pm service (see above). However, unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the planned event to mark the turning of the year and to ring in 2024 has been cancelled.
On Christmas Eve there will be short, interactive service suitable for all ages in the main hall of the Parish Centre at 10.30 am. Young people may like to come dressed as a character from the nativity story, Mary, Joseph, innkeeper, angels, the wisemen, (or wisewomen) or as shepherds. Alternatively, you could wear your Christmas jumper. The service will be followed by some seasonal treats.
Our annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carols will be held this Sunday, December 17th, at 7pm. Followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. All very welcome.
The origins of the Christingle service lie in the Moravian Church, which has its roots in what is now Germany and the Czech Republic. The first recorded use of a Christingle was in December 1747 during a children’s festival in Marienborn, Germany (near Frankfurt). Christingles are made from an orange decorated with red tape, sweets and a candle. Each piece of the Christingle holds special symbolism to help us understand the importance of Jesus and the Gospel, and its relevance at Christmas time.
The orange represents the world. The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ. The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations. The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness. During our service this Sunday, December 10th at 5.30pm all those present will be encouraged to make a Christingle which can be brought home after the service. All the materials required will be provided. Do come along. Refereshments will be served after the service.
Come and hear our director of music and organist, Caroline Barnes, perform a variety of instrumental and vocal music with her three equally talented sisters, Eva, Lydia and Athena. Admission is free but donations for Kisiizi welcome.
The countdown to Christmas starts with our Advent Carol Service next Sunday morning, December 3rd, at 10.30am.
See details below of a musical treat on Saturday, November 25th at 7.30pm