The evocative service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 7pm this Sunday, December 18th, is one of the highlights of the church year for many people and there will be a retiring collection for the Capuchin Day Centre for homeless and needy people in Bow Street, Dublin 7. The service is followed by the serving of mince pies and mulled wine in the Parish Centre. All very welcome.
One reason this service is so popular is that each member of the congregation is given an individual candle. We want to be able to maintain this tradition.
While acknowledging that it can be difficult to hold a service sheet in one hand and a candle in the other, please exercise care at all times with your candle. Make every effort to hold it as straight as possible throughout the service, keep the drip mat in place and try not to splash any wax on either the furniture or the floor as it is very difficult and time consuming to remove it. The candle should easily last for the duration of the service.