The date of our next Summer Fair, Saturday, May 27th, may seem a while away yet but we need people to come on board now. The job vacancies include:
- Stall helpers: couple of hours on the day and the week before the event.
- Raffle helpers
- General helpers to man gates, set up and dismantle stalls etc.
- Are you interested in Baking, Catering, Art, Reading, Fashion, Jewellery, Kids, Entertainment, Collectables, Bric a brac! We need your passion and skill to help us on these stalls.
- Strong bodies to put up tents and tidy away after the day.
Any offer of time or talent for the staging of what is always a most enjoyable community event would be much appreciated Please contact the Summer Fair chairman Mark Finney (email or tel 087 2844777 after 7pm) or Gary Dowd ASAP if you can offer some of your time.